Nearly half the rice sold in Guangzhou (pop. 12+ million) is contaminated by...
The latest scandal out of China has to do with Guangzhou, a huge metropolis in the South of the country.
View ArticleThe Dust Bowl Revisited: 2012
While our understanding of and respect for the soil is greater now than it was at the turn of the last century, erosion still exceeds new soil formation on most acres.
View ArticleFarming on the Rooftops of Brooklyn
A video profile of a food rebel turning the concrete jungle into a working farm.
View ArticleCan Permaculture Transform Industrial Agriculture?
Permaculture is spreading across backyards and community gardens at a rapid pace. But what about farms? A new study aims to find out.
View ArticleInsecticide Regulators Turning Blind Eye to Bee Deaths, Says UK Parliament
Lawmakers conclude that regulators have ignored mounting evidence against one of the best selling insecticides, implicating it in the deaths of honeybees.
View ArticleUSDA Land Stewardship Program Conserves 50 Million Acres in 4 Years
American farmers conserved 50 million acres over the past 4 years.
View ArticleEinstein Bros. Says 'No' To Pig Gestation Crates
Good move Einstein, but it only raises the question: Why doesn't everybody else do it, and more? And what else can you clean up at your suppliers?
View ArticleExpanding Dust Bowls in China and Africa Impact Food Supply
Today two new dust bowls are forming: one in northern China and southern Mongolia and the other in Africa south of the Sahara.
View ArticleHow China’s Rising Soybean Consumption Is Reshaping Western Agriculture
Global demand for soybeans has soared in recent decades, with China leading the race. Nearly 60 percent of all soybeans entering international trade go to China, making it by far the world’s largest...
View ArticleGlobal Grain Stocks Drop Dangerously Low as 2012 Consumption Exceeded Production
The world produced 2,241 million tons of grain in 2012, down 75 million tons or 3 percent from the 2011 record harvest. The drop was largely because of droughts that devastated several major crops.
View ArticleNew Era of Food Scarcity Echoes Collapsed Civilizations
The world is in transition from an era of food abundance to one of scarcity. Over the last decade, world grain reserves have fallen by one third.
View ArticleFresh bread without preservatives?
A Canadian researcher's bread breakthough could lead to natural crop protection as well as better bread
View ArticleHow do they find horse meat in hamburger?
A relatively new test detected horse meat in European hamburger. We wonder: how do they test this? Could it happen in America? What happens to all the recalled food?
View ArticleChina’s Growing Hunger for Meat Shown by Move to Buy Smithfield, World’s...
Half the world’s pigs—more than 470 million of them—live in China, but even that may not be enough to satisfy the growing Chinese appetite for meat.
View ArticleMonsanto vs. organics: court rules that a website promise is good enough
Organic famers want more legal protection against Monstanto, but a court finds an online promise to be legally binding.
View ArticleFarmed Fish Production Overtakes Beef
The world quietly reached a milestone in the evolution of the human diet in 2011. For the first time in modern history, world farmed fish production topped beef production.
View ArticleFood miles are a distraction. Local food is not.
Food miles are a simple concept to get. But for truly sustainable food, we must engage with the details.
View ArticleWhy scientific proof isn't always needed to justify concerns
The Guardian's Kara Moses asks, "Do we need conclusive scientific proof to become concerned about an issue?" I think not, because sometimes even conclusive proof isn't enough for government and...
View ArticleFull Planet, Empty Plates: Chapter 5. Eroding Soils Darkening Our Future
Sometime within the last century, soil erosion began to exceed new soil formation. Now, nearly a third of the world’s cropland is losing topsoil faster than new soil is forming, reducing the land’s...
View ArticleAmaranth offers Mexicans promising corn alternative
Mexicans promote the revival of amaranth, a staple food for the Aztecs.
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